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Frequently Asked Questions


Where should I use as my location?


Because the app only shows you meals within a certain radius of your geographic location, please use the hotel address as your home address on the app.



How will the meal be delivered?


Because the students will most likely be staying in either Hyatt Regency or Marriot Marquis, it would be AMAZING if you can make plans to drop off meals in these locations. 


When would the meal be delivered?


When you post the meal, you'll get the opportunity to chance to select your meal availability window.  You should plan to deliver the meal within the window. We would recommend your meal availability window be between 6:00 and 8:00 pm CST.


Would I be reimbursed for the cost of delivery?


Unfortunately, we will not be able to reimburse you for the cost of delivery. 


What if no one wants my food?


It is possible no one will order your food.  That is why we're asking that you only prepare 2-3 plates that you can reheat and use for your family at a later time.


Are there restrictions on what I can post?


Yes.  You should only post fully-cooked meals, prepared in a clean kitchen environment.  Also, please identify the main ingredients used to prepare your meal so that those with food allergies are on notice of potential allergies.


 Will I get reimbursed for the shared meals?


Yes, we will reimburse you for the cost of the ingredients used to prepare the meals.  We also typically apply 12% of your costs towards our processing fees, but in this case, we will be contributing all of our processing fees (plus more) towards the Hurricane Ida relief efforts.  In support of this cause, we're asking you to limit your cost to $3 per meal.   


  Why is the app asking for my information?


There are two reasons.  First, to verify that your identity.  Second, to ensure that any cost reimbursements are made directly to you by our payment processor.   


How do I ensure the students see my meals?


Because the app only shows diners meals within a certain radius of their geographic location, please use the hotel address (or a location nearby) as your home address when listing on the app.

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